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Services, Environmental, Planning

Verge Maintenance (grass cutting)

We receive many comments about grass cutting in the village. The Parish Council is not responsible for all the open areas of the village.

Roadside verges are cut by a contractor employed by West Northants Council. It is usual for verges to be cut three or four times a year. While we appreciate that this can sometimes make visibility difficult at times, particularly during a wet summer, there is nothing we can do about the timing of these cuts.

The school field and bank around the school is cut by another contractor employed by the West Northants Council.

To report a roadside problem to West Northants Council please visit


The Parish Council awards a contract for cutting the part of the school field used as the play area plus the area alongside Wappenham Road known locally as Jenners Piece. For the current year we have budgeted for four cuts being undertaken in these areas. (For more information about the play area in the school field please see Parks and Open Spaces.)

The Parish Council also awards a contract for cutting the areas of grass beside Station Road and in front of The Green, these are usually cut well back during the summer months.

Also maintained by the Parish Council is the War Memorial and the area in front of the Reading Room. If anybody is interested in helping to maintain the War Memorial, perhaps by dead heading the roses or weeding around the flowers, it would always be appreciated – please contact the Parish Clerk beforehand.


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