Helmdon Parish Plan 2025
Information related to the development of a Parish Plan for Helmdon.
Published: 15 August 2024
Survey Now Open!!
Helmdon Parish Council wants to hear your views. What do you love about living in Helmdon and want to see protected or continued, and what do you not like about living in Helmdon and want to see changed? Take our short Stage 1 survey by clicking on the link below. The deadline for responses is 5pm on 23 September 2024. The results of the Stage 1 survey will be used to draw up a list of priorities, which we will ask you about in more detail in our Stage 2 survey later in the year.
The first Helmdon Parish Plan (HPP1) was published in 2004 and a refresh was carried out in 2011 (HPP2). The Plan provided a footpath to Helmdon’s future.
Many action points in the original Action Plan have been achieved and Helmdon is a stronger and more vibrant community as a result.
But much has changed in the last few years and the village faces new challenges and pressures that didn’t exist when the first Parish Plan was drawn up. It is now time for HPP3!
The purpose of a Parish Plan is to “… set out a vision of what is important, how new development can best be fitted in, the design and quality standards it should meet, how to preserve local features and to map out the facilities which the community needs to safeguard for the future.” Plans should “identify key facilities and services, set out the problems that need to be tackled and demonstrate how distinctive character and features can be preserved.”
This page will be used for all the information related to HPP3. For information on HPP1 and HPP2 please visit https://www.helmdonhistory.com/parishplan.