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Transparency – how the council operates

Annual Accounts

Accounting Statements

Accounting statements show the cash balance, precept, staff costs and other income and expenditure for the last accounting year.

Annual Governance and Accountability Return

The Annual Governance & Accountability Return (AGAR) is the document that is submitted by local councils presenting a summary of their audit and financial information.

Annual Governance Statements

The Annual Governance Statement is a document signed by the council confirming whether it conforms to certain financial, accounting and auditing measures.

Bank Reconciliations

Bank Reconciliations show whether the council's bank account statements match the accounting cashbook at the end of the financial year.

Certificate of Exemptions

Certificates of Exemptions are created if a local council is below the £25,000 threshold for expenditure. This forms part of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR)

Conclusion of Audit

This is a document confirming that the accounts for the last accounting year have been published.

End of Year Accounts

Chart of accounts for receipts and payments

Expenditure over £100

Spending by the council over £100

Explanation of Variances

This shows whether income or expenditure has gone up or down between two accounting years.

External Audit Reports

This is a certificate signed by an external auditor after a review of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR)

Internal Audit Reports

This is a certificate presented after an internal audit of the council.

Notice of Public Rights

This is a document explaining the rights the public have in being able to inspect the council's annual accounts.

Financial Policies

Expenses Policy

This document outlines the council's expenses policy

Financial Regulations

The Financial Regulations are the rules by which Helmdon Parish Council conducts its financial management

Financial Reserves Policy

The Parish Council is required to maintain adequate financial reserves to meet the needs of the Council

Small Grants Policy

The Parish Council is committed to providing assistance and support to local community groups

General Policies and Publications

Asset Register

Details of the council's assets.

Committee Members

Committee members, working group members and other representative roles

Committee Terms of Reference

These documents outline the responsibilities of the committees

Complaints Policy

This is the complaints procedure of Helmdon Parish Council

Co-option Policy

This policy sets out the approach used when co-opting members onto the Council

Councillor Code of Conduct

This is a document explaining the role and expected conduct of Councillors.

Dignity at Work Policy

This policy reflects the spirit in which the council intends to undertake all its business and outlines the specific procedures available to all employees in order to protect them from bullying and harassment.

Equal Opportunities Policy

The purpose of this policy is to provide equal opportunities to all employees, irrespective of their characteristics

Flag Policy

This policy outlines procedures with the flagpole on the War Memorial green

Grievance and Disciplinary Policy

This document describes the procedures which aim to facilitate a speedy, fair and consistent solution

Health and Safety Policy

This outlines responsibilities extending to the health and safety of members of the public who attend meetings or make use of its services such as the play area for leisure purposes.

Publication Scheme

This document details the information that the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) expect Parish Councils to provide

Risk Assessment Policy

These documents outline risk assessments carried out by the local council.

Sickness and Absence Policy

This policy is to be read in conjunction with the Council’s Health & Safety, Grievance and Discipline policies

System of Internal Control and Internal Audit

This document outlines responsibilities for ensuring that business is conducted in accordance with the law and proper standard

Training and Development Policy

The Council will procure or provide such training and development opportunities

Transparency Code

Transparency gives local people the tools and information they need to hold local public bodies to account.

Data Policies

Data Breach Policy

This document outlines the responsibility of the council in accordance to data breaches

Data Protection Policy

This document outlines the responsibility of the council in accordance to data protection

Document Retention Policy

See Records Retention Policy

General Privacy Policy

This page and document outline the privacy procedures

Records Retention Policy

Policy detailing the council’s responsibilities for retaining certain documents, and how long they should be retained.

Subject Access Policy

This procedure is to be followed when an individual contacts Helmdon Parish Council to request access to their personal information

Staff Privacy Notice

This document outlines the privacy procedure for staff, councillors and role holders

Website Accessibility Statement

This states the level of web accessibility to which the website aims to conform

Website Privacy Policy

This policy describes how we gather, use and manage personal data for a visitor to this website

Statutory Documents

Standing Orders

Written rules for the local council, confirming the procedures and procedural matters for meetings.

Commitments & Pledges

Aims and Objectives

The aims and objectives of Helmdon Parish Council

Civility and Respect Pledge

This details whether the council has signed the Civility and Respect pledge.

Declaration of Climate Emergency

Documents relating to whether the council has declared a climate emergency.

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