Services, Environmental, Planning
Parks and Open Spaces
See also Woodlands (on this website)
and Parks, Sports and Leisure (on West Northants website)
Play Area in School Playing Field
News: Update on the school field and play area – posted 07 January 2021
It has been agreed with the school that their field and play area will be closed to the public during the school week to help staff provide a safe environment for the keyworker pupils who attend school each day. The gates will be unlocked at 3:30pm on a Friday afternoon and will be open for everyone to use during the weekends. Please contact the Parish Clerk with any queries.
Please do not enter the play area if you or anyone in your household are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 or are self-isolating.
- Dogs are not allowed on the school playing field at any time.
- Although the Parish Council has taken steps to ensure that the play area is a safe environment, users use the play area and equipment at their own risk.
- The Parish Council provides and maintains the play equipment – if you see a damaged piece of equipment please report it to the Parish Clerk.
The Pump Garden
The Parish Council owns a small piece of land on Church Street just up from Shortlands Close known locally as the Pump Garden because it is where one of the village’s three public water pumps was sited. The pump is still there but not operable.
For the Queen’s Jubilee in 2002 the Parish Council installed a bench at the Pump Garden for walkers to stop at on their way up Church Street. In 2012 the area was cut right back to allow new planting to take place in spring 2013, see before and after photos (on In 2017 a ramp was added to assist those less mobile to access the bench.
Other Land Maintained by the Parish Council
The Parish Council also maintains the following areas:
- Open area beside Station Road
- Open area in front of The Green
- Area alongside Wappenham Road known locally as Jenners Piece
- The War Memorial
- The area in front of the Reading Room
For more information, such as grass cutting schedules, see Verge Maintenance
Parish Council Services and Environmental
- Aims and Objectives of Helmdon Parish Council
- Allotments
- Defibrillators
- Footpaths and Walking Groups
- Memorials
- Neighbourhood Watch
- Nature Reserves
- Notice boards
- Post Office Hosted Service
- Recycle and Reuse
- Street Lighting
- Tree Preservation Orders (on
- Verge Maintenance (grass cutting)
- Woodlands