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Advent Windows News – 2024

Updated 28 Oct 2024: Volunteers should now have received email confirmation of dates.

Published: 23 September 2024

We are hoping to turn Helmdon into a Living Advent Calendar for the 10th time this year with windows throughout the village decorated and ‘opened’ each evening between 1 December and Christmas Eve.  In order to ensure everyone knows their date in good time to plan, we need to be clear by mid-October that we have enough participants so we would be very grateful for quick responses.

You can see what was done in previous years on the village website (Advent Windows – Helmdon Parish Council) and if you Google  ‘Advent windows’ you can find the wide range of ideas and ways that people have decorated their windows elsewhere. There is no need to be religious or arty and there is no ‘theme’, the aim is for each window to be a surprise as it is revealed.  We would like to include windows through the whole village and hope, as in previous years, to show photos of the windows on the website.

If you:

  • live in a house that has a window that can clearly be seen from the street without people coming on to your property
  • are happy to keep the window illuminated each evening after it is ‘opened’ until after Christmas and
  • are interested in participating or are prepared to act as a standby if we have problems recruiting enough people

please let Ann Netten (01280 851168 or Caroline King (01295 768695 know:

  • your name and address
  • your email address and
  • any preference you have about dates

Please be aware that in agreeing to participate you are also agreeing to have your address identified on the website and map so people can look for your window. No names or email addresses will be shared without your permission.

We look forward to hearing from you. Please let us know by 15th October.

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