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Helmdon Community Groups

Friends of St Mary Magdalene

The Friends of St Mary Magdalene was set up as a charity in 1995 with the aim of maintaining the church as an historic building.

The Friends of St Mary Magdalene are quite separate from the Parochial Church Council. The church fabric is examined every five years (called a Quinquennial Review) by a Diocesan Board of architects. Recently, repairs have been necessary to part of the tower and the roof of the nave.

The Friends hold various fundraising events throughout the year, such as Safari Suppers, quiz nights, pie and poetry evenings, Car Treasure Hunts and barbeques. This helps maintain funds and also involves the village in local community activities.

You can make a donation which stands alone, but the Friends also have a membership scheme where people can make a donation towards the work of maintaining the beauty of the church building by keeping it in good repair.

We hope that you would like to become a Friend and make a regular donation, we really do need your help! If you feel you would like to join this scheme please complete and submit the [ online enquiry form t.b.a. ] and we will get back to you. Alternatively, forms are normally available in the church.

Additional funds are raised (to maintain the church as an historic building) by the Helmdon 200 Club.

Other Community groups associated with St. Mary Magdalene

Friends of Helmdon Churchyard Making the churchyard a pleasant and tranquil place to visit

Helmdon 200 Club Fundraising village lottery

Helmdon Bellringers an ancient past-time and good exercise

See also St Mary Magdalene, Helmdon Parish Church

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