Flower and Produce Show
Helmdon's Flower and Produce Show encourages people of all ages to grow and display fruits, vegetables and flowers and to demonstrate their skill in making preserves or baking bread / cakes.
The annual Flower and Produce Show is held in the Reading Room. It is always well attended and raises money for local charities.
The show itself usually takes place on the Saturday of the August bank holiday weekend. To take account of the season, judging of the garden classes takes place in June and of hanging baskets in July.
While we take pride in our show, competition is friendly and the rules are kept simple to encourage as many people as possible to take part.
Although the show’s format is well tested, the Committee is always interested in ideas to bring new interest and engage more people in supporting the show. If you have any ideas or suggestions, particularly to involve children, please contact Phillip Ward (ward@btinternet.com)
The 2024 Show
The show will take place -as usual- on the Saturday of the August Bank Holiday 24 August in the Reading Room.
Show schedules have been printed and will be delivered to all houses in the village. If you haven’t received a copy of the 2024 show schedule, one is available here.
Entries for the garden classes close on 18 June. Entries for all other cases close on 20 August. Entry forms and details of how to make entries are in the schedule.
Thanks to continuing sponsorship of the show by Material Change, all of the money we take from entries, donations, the raffle and teas can go to our local charities – The Horton Hospital and Dogs for Good. Please help us make it a bumper year.
Results from previous Flower and Produce Shows
- 2017 (on www.helmdonhistory.com)
- 2018 (on www.helmdonhistory.com)
- For all other years (a document on this website)